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GDRToken Roadtrip

1st Stop

Android Application Launch

The first live version of the Good Driver Reward Token Application will be released for Android users. Drivers will be able to start earning GDRT via the GDRToken application.

2nd Stop

iPhone Application Launch
Te next version of the Good Driver Reward Token Mobile Application will be released for iPhone user to be able to download the application and start beta testing the rewards program.

3rd Stop

GDRToken iOS Download

Referral Program

A referral program will be set to roll out after completion of application testing.  This will be initiated to help promote $GDRT and the GDRToken application. Who doesn't like free tokens? 

Referral Program_edited.jpg

4th Stop

Get Incorporated
The forming of Good Driver Reward Token Inc. to be a real business within the USA.
This will be an S-Corp Business!

5th Stop

GDRToken CRO Reward NFT

Release the collection for minting. These NFT's will grant a rewards perk for all holders to obtain $CRO based off token trading fee rewards.

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6th Stop

Launching $GDRT
$GDRT will be launched on Crodex. Before launch an airdrop of $GDRT is going to be provided within our GDRToken Box for supporters!

The Founders NFT will grand perks!

7th Stop


GDRToken Founder NFT

These NFT's will grant a rewards perk for all holders to obtain $CRO based off token trading fee rewards.
The NFT will also amplify the holders rewards in our mobile app.

GDRT Box.jpg

8th Stop

$GDRT Loyalty Boost Club

GDRToken NFTs will staking rewards!
Staking $GDRT with the ability to get a 10% Booster when adding GDRToken NFTs with $GDRT to earn $GDRT or other tokens.

9th Stop

Marketing Campaign Begins

Start marketing GDRToken on social media platforms and promote the referral program. Partnership research shall also begin.

CroKing Staking Pic.png

10th Stop

$GDRT Contract and dApp Linked To Mobile Application

We will be linking the $GDRT contract built on the Cronos network to our mobile application and dApp.

Wallet token transfers and more.

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